Helen Wigley
Puddle lane
I have developed below a simple step-by-step demonstration based on my painting shown in the watercolour section of this web page. These are free and you may print them off if you wish.
I suggest you read all the instructions before attempting the watercolour painting to familiarise yourself with each instruction, because watercolour painting is all about timing :).
Click on the image for enlarged picture.
Good luck with your painting and I hope these inspire you ?
Suggested colours
Suggested colours, as follows:
Dioxazine violet
Cadmium yellow
Rose madder
Cadmium orange
Sketch the painting
Step 1
Step 1
Start by drawing out your composition of the Paddle lane
Suggested brushes
Suggested brushes:
Large flat brush
Large round
Detail brush / Rigger
Wet the paper
Step 2
Step 2
Using the large brush, wet the sky area down to the horizon line. Let the water sink into the paper until the shine of the water goes and turns dull.
Painting the sky
Step 3
Step 3
Turn your painting upside down. The with the large round brush start the cadmium yellow at the horizon line then add the cadmium orange and the rose madder at an angle from left to right. Proceed down the paper now adding ultramarine, which will turn purple when it mixes with the rose madder. (See image for more detail) Leave the sky to dry.
Painting the trees
Step 5
Step 5
Next, it is the distant trees, which form along the horizon line. We are going to make a pale warm grey colour by mixing ultramarine, rose madder and a touch of cadmium yellow. Using this colour and the large round brush, paint tree shapes which decrease in size. ( See image for more detail) Leave the trees to dry.
Painting the puddles
Step 7
Step 7
Mix a mixer of ultramarine, Dioxazine violet, cadmium orange and a touch of rose madder, to make a warm purple. Start to paint in the hedgerow, house and the road, leaving areas of the road free to create a puddle effect.
Painting the shadows
Step 9
Step 9
Finally use the mixer of the purple with a touch of viridian to darken the tone. Use this colour to show the shadow on the gateposts, puddles and stones.
Painting the road
Step 4
Step 4
Now all the colours are in your pallet, we are going to paint the road. Using the same colours that are in the sky, we are going to create a mirror effect. First wet the area of the road, then doing the same process as the sky, add the yellow, orange, pink and blue. (See image for more detail) Leave the road to dry.
Painting the trees
Step 6
Step 6
Next, we are going to paint the trees trunks and branches on the right hand side, using the same mixture as step 4 - pale grey using a detail brush. The leaves on the trees are painted; using a dry round brush, dipped into the same colour; then stippled over the branches. (See image for more detail)
Painting the hedgerow
Step 8
Step 8
Continue to paint the hedgerow, gate and grass on the left hand side, using the rigger brush. Scratch the damp paint with a toothpick will create light. This will represent the light shining through the gate and hitting the tops of the grass
Step 10
Step 10
Stand back and enjoy your finished painting.