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Conch Shell


I have developed below a simple step-by-step demonstration based on my painting shown in the watercolour section of this web page. These are free and you may print them off if you wish.

I suggest you read all the instructions before attempting the watercolour painting to familiarise yourself with each instruction, because watercolour painting is all about timing 



Good luck with your painting and I hope these inspire you ?





Conch Shell


Printable Instructions : -Pdf file





Conch Shell


Suggested colours:

Yellow Ochre, Raw Sienna, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Indigo, Alizarin Crimson and Napples Yellow.


Suggested brushes:

Large round, Medium round and detail brush.


Step 1

Sketch the Conch shell onto watercolour paper (here I have used 140lb rough).














Step 2

Mask out the Conch shell and Starfish shapes using masking fluid and an old brush. (Leave to dry)













Step 3

Wet the background area, then using Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber and Indigo paint in the background leaving the colours to bleed and run into each other. (Leave to dry)














Step 4

Using Raw sienna, Burnt Umber, Indigo Light red, Burnt sienna and last but not least Napples Yellow.  Spray each colour using an old tooth brush, to represent the grains of sand. (Leave to Dry)













Step 5

Once the spray marks are dry, next we are going to paint the shadows. Using a medium detail brush, paint wet on dry; Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, and then while the paint is still damp, add in Burnt Umber and Indigo mix to the darker areas. (Leave to Dry)














Step 6

Once all the paint is dry, start to peel off the masking fluid, making sure not to rip the paper.


Step 7

Once the masking fluid is removed, we can start to paint the main shell. Using a Medium brush wet the inner part of the shell; while the area is still damp add the colours Napples Yellow, Burnt Sienna, then to the darker areas use a mix of Alizarin Crimson and Indigo.













Step 8

Once the inner of the shell is dry, next we are going to paint the outer part of the shell, using Burnt sienna, and Light Red to paint the detail on the shell.  The dark colour is a mix of Burnt Umber and Light Red.













Step 9

Towards the middle of the shell add a mix of Burnt Sienna and Indigo, then while the paint is still damp use a cocktail stick, or the end of the paint tube tom scratch in the line detail.













Step 10

Next we are going to continue to paint the middle of the shell, using Indigo. Place a line of the Indigo paint along the edge, then using a damp brush pull the colour, leaving a soft edge.














Step 11

Leave the painting to dry, before adding the shadow with a mix of Indigo and Alizarin Crimson.













Step 12

Shell two, is firstly painted with a coat of Burnt Sienna and is left to dry.













Step 13

Using Alizarin Crimson and Indigo, add the detail to the shell, leaving some of the undercoat visible: to form ridges.













Step 14

The Starfish are then next items to paint. Napples Yellow is applied first, and then with a detail brush add texture, using Burnt Umber and finally touches of Indigo.













Step 15

The seaweed shadow is placed with a mixer of Burnt Umber and Indigo, leaving gaps of the under colour to be seen. Leave to dry.













Step 16

Finally add the detail of the sea weed with a detail brush, using the colour Indigo.
















Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and are happy with the end result?








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