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Rusty bells


I have developed below a simple step-by-step demonstration based on my painting shown in the watercolour section of this web page. These are free and you may print them off if you wish.

I suggest you read all the instructions before attempting the watercolour painting to familiarise yourself with each instruction, because watercolour painting is all about timing 



Good luck with your painting and I hope these inspire you ?





Rusty bells


Printable Instructions : -Pdf file





Rusty bells


Suggested colours:

Yellow Ochre, Raw Sienna, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Orange, Indigo and Ultramarine.


Suggested brushes:

Large round, Medium round and detail brush.


Step 1

Sketch the rusty bells and chain onto watercolour paper (here I have used 140lb rough). (Click on image to enlarge)






















Step 2

Using a large brush and wet into wet technique, paint the background with Raw Sienna, this is going to be the grout in between the brick forms. Leaving the bells and chain shapes as the white of the paper (see image).




















Step 3

Apply wet onto wet, colours Yellow Ochre, Raw Sienna, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, onto the background to represent the brick forms. Allowing the paint to blend together to create more natural tones (see image).



















Step 4

With a medium round brush add the following colours; Yellow Ochre, Raw Sienna, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Orange, Indigo and Ultramarine, using wet into wet technique, to the small bell and chain, again allowing the colours to bleed into each other (See image).






















Step 5

Once the bell and chain are fully dry, we are going to add texture to the bell by using a dry brushing technique (see image) this will create a sense of corrosion of the metal.



















Step 6

Next using the colours Indigo and Ultramarine, paint the darker tones of the bell and chain.  Apply colours with the wet on dry technique, with small round brush. (See image) allow the paint to dry fully, before going onto the next stage.





















Step 7

Turning your attention to the large bell and chain, employ the same colours and techniques as step 4, 5, and 6. Allow yourself time for more detail, which will create the sense of depth.





















Step 8

Once happy with the bell and chain turn you concentration to the shadow, don’t be tempted here to use just black, it will dry flat and spoil the overall effect.  Start with a medium brush, using the colour Burnt Sienna, then apply a second coat of Indigo and Ultramarine these layers will add more depth. (See image)




















Step 9

Take the time to check over your painting and add more details if required, once happy with the results, stand back and admire your love painting and your hard work.


Hope you have enjoyed



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